Agency Name | The Beat Within |
Categories | Arts & Culture,Children/Youth,Education,Literacy |
Contact Name | Lisa Lavaysse |
Agency Email | |
Agency Address | Services Provided At: Santa Cruz County Juvenile Detention Facility 3650 Graham Hill Road Santa Cruz, CA |
Agency Phone | 831-227-9675 |
Web Address | |
Office Hours | M-F |
Distance from Campus | 7 miles |
Nearest Bus Lines | |
Mission Statement | The Beat Within’s mission is to provide incarcerated youth with consistent opportunity to share their ideas and life experiences in a safe space that encourages literacy, self-expression, some critical thinking skills, and healthy, supportive relationships with adults and their community. In Santa Cruz, The Beat Within holds writing workshops in the Santa Cruz County Juvenile Detention Facility three times a week: Fridays from 3:30-4:30 pm and 6:30-7:30pm. |
Volunteer Duties |
Volunteers accompany workshop facilitators to the hall for writing workshops. During the workshops, volunteers help create discussion between youth and adult volunteers about the weekly writing topics for the first 10-15 minutes. After that, the youth break up into small groups and write. Volunteers join facilitators in going around to sit with different youth to discuss their writing and engage in conversation. Though The Beat Within focuses on creative writing and self-expression, volunteers do not need to have any writing experience. Simply coming into the hall and making connections with the youth during workshops is a great way to get involved. The Beat Within in Santa Cruz is also looking for volunteers to help in the Santa Cruz "office" with the typing and editing of writing from the workshops. This program runs all year, and volunteers are welcome anytime during the year, but we ask for a minimum of a 6 month commitment. Typing and editing has flexible hours and can be of any age, workshops require 21+ |
Notes | Updated 6/29/18 |